Email Kim Makowski

Coordinator Kim Makowski
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The Hancock Central School District's physical education, intramural and interscholastic athletic programs contribute to the total education of our students. Competitive sports sharpen intellect, improve concentration, and help ensure better physical and mental health.
The Hancock Central School District offers interscholastic varsity, junior varsity and modified sports programs for boys and girls through its memberships in the Midstate Athletic Conference, Section 4 Athletics and the New York State Public High School Association.
Virtually all athletic programs are made possible through Hancock's continued shared-services relationship with the neighboring Deposit Central School District. Combined teams are known as the Deposit-Hancock Eagles, while Hancock-only teams are known as the Hancock Wildcats.
Fall Sports: Cross Country, Field Hockey, Football, Golf, Volleyball.
Winter Sports: Basketball, *Bowling, Wrestling.
Spring Sports: Baseball, Softball, Tennis, Track and Field.
*Hancock only