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Help Hancock’s Holiday Food Drive!
Holiday Food Drive items and tree

Bring what you bring what you CAN until December 18 to help our annual Holiday Food Drive!

We are asking you to bring non-perishable items (no glass, please) to the following locations:
Grade 5: Ms. Kravetsky
Grade 6: Mrs. White
Grade 7: Mrs. Wormuth
Grade 8: Mr. Kelly
Grade 9: Ms. DaBrescia
Grade 10: Mrs. Norris
Grade 11: Ms. Gross
Grade 12: Mr. Davis

There is a great need for canned vegetables, instant potatoes and canned pineapples. We also need regular weekly items such as peanut butter, jelly, canned soups, cereal, spaghetti sauces, and macaroni & cheese.

All food collected will be donated to the Hancock Community Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry.

Posted 12/5/19