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Reminder: Wednesdays will be remote
Laptop with Hancock logo (10/2020)In response to the COVID-19 closure from March through June 2020, a team of 20 stakeholders developed the HCSD Reopening Plan to ensure a safe return to the 2020-21 school year. The plan recommended a "soft reopening" – a five-week transition period – to ensure that students and staff had the opportunity to adapt to a hybrid instructional environment and to multiple infection-control protocols/procedures. The five-week "soft reopening" concluded October 9, 2020.

To prepare for a possible transition to full remote instruction in the future, the Hancock Central School District will modify the school week as follows on Wednesdays only starting on October 14, 2020:
Instructional Schedule
  • PK-4 students will receive asynchronous instruction on Wednesdays. PK-4 teachers will communicate with families as to how to access these recorded lessons.
  • 1:1 devices for Grades PK-6 are to remain at home. Please do not transport to and from school.
  • Grades 5-12 students will attend full-day, synchronous remote instruction on Wednesdays.
  • Deep cleaning will continue in all school buildings on Wednesdays.
  • The Hancock Community Education Foundation will continue to provide daycare for participating families on Wednesdays.
Furthermore, please note the following changes to the District's grading procedures, which also will start on Wednesday, October 14, 2020:
  • Traditional grading will begin on October 14, 2020, and first-quarter report cards issued in November will follow the traditional format.
  • Student grades recorded prior to October 13 will identify at-risk learners or students who indicate significant learning loss. Those grades have not been published in SchoolTool. Parents of at-risk students will be notified by the teacher.
  • Remote attendance is verified through evidence of participation (via Zoom) in the teacher's synchronous or asynchronous instruction and through completed assignments in Seesaw or Schoology.
  • In compliance with the New York State Education Department, student attendance is taken daily, whether in-person, hybrid, or fully remote.
Finally, every student in the District has been issued a district-owned device (K-1 iPad; Grades 2-12 Chromebook) for use at home on Wednesdays or if/when the District is forced to implement a full remote schedule. All other aspects of the provision of your child's educational program will remain the same. Please contact your child's building administrator with questions.

Terrance P. Dougherty, Ph.D.
Superintendent of Schools
[email protected]
Posted 10/13/2020