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Thank You For Voting!
Thank you for voting!

HANCOCK - The Hancock Central School District thanks residents for their overwhelming support during the 2023-2024 Budget Vote on Tuesday night at HCS.

“All six propositions on our ballot passed by significant margins, which shows that our community continues to believe in HCSD’s vision to strive for excellence as an innovative, advanced and reflective school community,” Board of Education President Gene Homer said. “We truly appreciate those who took the time to vote on these important propositions that will help shape the futures of our most valuable assets – our students.”

Voters approved the Board to authorize the proposed 2023-2024 budgets for HCSD (150 yes votes-67 no votes) and the Louise Adelia Memorial Library (176-41), as well as the purchase of buses (141-76) and the establishment of two Capital Reserve Funds (construction, 158-60; transportation, 148-70).

“We are grateful for the residents who came out to vote Tuesday and are humbled by the support we receive from our community year after year,” HCSD Superintendent Terry Dougherty said. “Thank you, voters, for helping us uphold the Wildcat Pledge – to nurture and empower each learner’s unlimited capacity to become a responsible citizen with a promising future.”

HCSD residents also elected Vicky Bogart (164) for a three year term, and Nick Hazen (145) for a two year term to the Board of Education.


Budget Vote Thank You - .pdf format